It’s time to introduce you to the amazing individuals who make up the Woodhaven Board of Directors. These dedicated individuals come from diverse backgrounds and bring a wealth of experience to our organization. Today, we’re shining the spotlight on Rebecca Llorens, MD at Boone Health Medical Group, who has been a board member for the past six months.
Rebecca’s motivation to join our board stems from her extensive involvement with the disability community, spanning over two decades. She holds a deep appreciation for Woodhaven’s enduring history of caring—a testament to our organization’s commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of adults with developmental disabilities and neurodivergent youth.
Fun Facts about Rebecca:
- If your best talent was an Olympic sport, what would it be? Marathon running
- What are three things you would take if you were stranded on a desert island? A book, a light and my glasses
- What actor/actress would you want to play you in a movie about your life? Who wouldn’t want Meryl Streep?
- What was your dream job growing up? Archeologist
- If you could transport to any place or any time, where would you go? 1970