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Hire EnCircle Students

Are you looking to hire talented, dedicated employees with existing tech skills and a willingness to learn in Columbia MO?
Have we got a lead for you!

Our EnCircle classes are designed to help our students learn the hard skills employers like you are looking for and develop the soft skills that make them great employees. When we help place a student in a job, we continue to provide support and resources to make sure both employer and employee find success.

Our students are:
  • Ready and willing to be trained further to meet your business needs
  • Have experience in WordPress, Content Management, HTML/CSS 1
  • Learning programs like Excel, Tableau, Adobe PhotoShop, JavaScript and more.
    Even if you aren’t looking to hire right now, there are many ways you can still help our students succeed.
Could your business:
  • Offer hands-on learning opportunities for our students
  • Conduct mock interviews or resume reviews
  • Hire a student for an existing or specially designed internship
  • Mentor our students as they explore a career in your field
  • Hire for part-time, temporary or contract work

Submit an Inquiry

If you would like to discuss how we can partner to help our students succeed, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Tara Shade, Director of Community Employment Services.