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Direct Support Professionals: The Bridge Between People with Disabilities and Their Communities

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A new awareness campaign has launched across the state of Missouri to spotlight direct support professionals, known as DSPs, and the vital role they play in the lives of those living with disabilities. 

Faced with critical shortages of workers and direct support professionals, service providers from across the state – including Woodhaven in Columbia – have come together for the campaign to spotlight how important and beneficial direct support professionals are to the community.

“Woodhaven is actively searching for DSPs to join our team of dedicated men and women who are making a difference in the lives of our community members every day,” said Cherie Kemp, HR Generalist.

Sponsored by the Missouri Association of County Developmental Disabilities Services (MACDDS) and MARF — representing hundreds of service providers across the state — the campaign aims to educate the public on the importance of these dedicated workers and to showcase job openings.

Along with highlighting the worker’s stories, the campaign includes an interactive website where Missourians can review career opportunities and see if the profession is a good fit for them. 

Direct support professionals enable people in Missouri with intellectual or physical disabilities to live full, independent lives, helping them integrate fully with society and thrive in all areas from employment opportunities to daily activities like grocery shopping or preparing meals at home. At Woodhaven, our DSPs assist individuals not only in day to day projects that encourage independence, but also work one on one with individuals in advocating for their rights and to inspire them to become part of their community.

“DSP careers are available right now throughout Missouri. It is not just a job. It is a rewarding experience that helps people realize their full potential,” said Erika Leonard, Executive Director, MARF. “DSPs help people become integrated and engaged in their community, to be valued for who they are and encouraged to follow their dreams.”

Being a DSP can be the first step towards a long-term career. Woodhaven offers flexible hours, no degree requirement and training provided on the job. 

To learn more about the campaign and to see career opportunities across Missouri, visit

To view Woodhaven’s customized careers page on the Missouri DSP website, visit


For over 40 years, MACDDS has promoted local county initiatives in developmental disabilities services. Composed of 62 county boards, 18 related provider organizations and 2 targeted case management entities, our members lead local initiatives that have a statewide impact, improving the lives of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. MACDDS works to assure services and supports for people with developmental disabilities continue to be planned and carried out at the local level.

About MARF

MARF works to improve the lives of Missourians with disabilities by driving public policy and strengthening member organizations through advocacy, education and collaboration.