And the winner is …
The 17th Annual Coastal Electric Golf Invitational raised nearly $75,000 for Woodhaven on September 11, proving that the collective will of everyone participating outdid Mother Nature’s attempt to keep raining on our event. All the proceeds go directly to Woodhaven programs and to keep transforming lives.

That transformation certainly stems from not only the dollars raised, but the hearts that contributed — and some contributed even when they didn’t have to. We’re talking about the Lucky Golf Ball winner and the $3,000 prize. Woodhaven’s new CEO Joy Sweeney drew number 342, matching John Rentschler’s entry. John quickly — and as tradition has held several times now — donated the $3,000 prize back to Woodhaven.
Two more Lucky Golf Balls were drawn for executive office chairs donated by Office Essentials. The office chair Lucky Golf Ball winners were Krystal Robb and Beth Richardson.

The other contest winners were:
Closest to the Pin #4 — Dan Crosby
Closest to the Pin #6 — Naomi McGee
Closest to the Pin #13 — Cheree Baxley
Closest to the Pin #15 — Hunter Scheib
Longest Drive #11 — Nic Parks
Longest Drive #11 —Jen Rukstad
A Flight — Coastal Electric
B Flight — Bank of Missouri
C Flight — Guarantee Electrical
Once again, it was the unwavering support of generous sponsors and dedicated volunteers that made this year’s golf invitational an absolute triumph. Whether a donor, a participant, a volunteer, or a staff member (and sometimes a lot of us wore more than one of those hats), it’s clear that the 2023 golf event was a hole-in-one for Woodhaven.
Keep your clubs shined and polished for next year’s tourney on Monday, September 9, 2024, at the Country Club of Missouri. Meanwhile, you can see photos from the 2023 tourney and find out about other ways to help Woodhaven and the amazing individuals we serve on our website.